The new year can create an awful lot of stress. There’s finance, important resolutions, and jumping back into work after the holidays. But don’t worry! To help make your year anxiety-free, we’ve compiled a list of simple ways to reduce stress for your lifestyle. Best of all, many of them may already work with your present resolutions!

Healthy diet

Everyone has heard this advice in regards to stress. And, with the new year, eating right or losing weight may already be one of your resolutions. But here are a few specifics you can focus on to feel and think better.

  • Reduce caffeine: dependence and lower heart rate
  • Eat a healthy breakfast to fuel your day
  • Be mindful of what you eat and when

Putting a little extra care into your diet may not only help you lose weight and look good, but feel good as well.

Do something you love every day

Accomplish one thing you love to do every single day. This can be practicing an instrument, doing something fun with your family, or working on your hobby. Making and protecting “me” time keeps you healthy, relaxed, and better equipped to deal with life’s daily curve balls. Even an hour can recharge your mental, social, or emotional batteries to finish the day.


Whether you giggle, chuckle, or guffaw, it’s important to keep your sense of humor active. Not only does laughing burn calories, but it reduces muscle tension and produces endorphins for a more positive mood.

Get enough sleep

Sleep times are more individual than you might think. Even though adults in general need around 8 hours, some people may thrive on 6. Others may be groggy unless they’ve had up to 9 hours.

Whatever your circadian rhythms, make sure you get enough sleep for your needs. You’ll be more alert and productive, which will help reduce stress at work or in the morning.

Keep moving

Most of us working at a desk job live a fairly sedentary lifestyle. Sitting still for eight hours or more affects the health of our various systems. In turn, feeling poorly can affect our moods and increase stress.

Getting fresh air and any level of exercise, however, helps get you out of a stressful rut. Raising your heart rate in a good way increases positivity and energy, and can help you get a better night’s sleep.

If you’re not already exercising on a daily basis, try these easy ways to start getting active:

  • Walking your dog or strolling around the block
  • Taking the stairs at work
  • Dancing at home to music
  • Using breaks at work to stretch

Good, healthy exercise shouldn’t be a punishment to endure. Rather, it should start as something simple that you can build over time. This will keep your routine from becoming stressful or an obligation.

Once these are a part of your daily routine, begin an exercise routine you’ll keep up long-term. This could be yoga, dancing, long-distance running, swimming, martial arts, or a sport you enjoy.

Create a stress-relief toolbox

Some days are more stressful than others. Other days, it’s just good to feel good and stress-free. Compile a list of things you do or would like to do that reduce anxiety and tension in your day.

  • Play with your pet
  • Listen to your favorite music
  • Chat with friends or family
  • Go on a hike or visit a park
  • Watch a feel-good or funny movie
  • Curl up with a good book and a warm, calming drink

Even when you’re not under pressure, try to incorporate one or more of these into your day. This can be part of “me” time or something you do with people close to you.


Getting out from under stress doesn’t have to cause anxiety. These little steps will put you on a feel-good journey towards relaxation. Enjoy having less stress in your life!