Our modern, sedentary lifestyle can be hard to handle, especially for those of us who work in an office. And not everyone has time or the availability to hit the gym after work. So how do you stay healthy if you have an office job?

Take Breaks

Remember to get up and move around every so often! The worst part of a seated desk job can be not moving or moving little for 8-9 hours. So every so often, make sure you stand up and get away from your desk. Stretch and/or go for a walk on your lunch break. Going out in the sun and getting fresh air can also reset your mood, as well as help your vision by getting away from the computer.

Eat Well

At work, it’s easy to snack all day and to indulge in unhealthy treats. But even when your coworker brings in sugary baked goods, it’s important to remember self-control. This is not to say that you should avoid all junk food; just be careful how much you eat.

During your lunch break, focus on lighter meals like salads. Then, for snacks, rely on fruit in the mornings and don’t snack in the afternoon. Also, try to take your meals away from the desk. that will help you avoid overeating.

Stretch at Your Desk

Did you know there are exercises you can do without ever leaving your desk? While seated and using good posture, you can do various muscle flexes in reps of 10-20. This won’t give you rock-hard abs anytime soon. But you can beat some of that office flab by flexing or holding an exercise pose–all without leaving your desk!

Practice Good Posture

Sitting all day at a computer desk can seriously affect your muscle, bone, and joint health. It’s vital, then, to keep your posture correct, both for sitting all day and for working on the computer. When working, sit with your feet on the floor and your back straight. Fight carpal tunnel by holding your hands correctly above your keyboard. It may be difficult to maintain, since most people tend to lean into their screen through the course of the day. But trust us: your back and neck will thank you later!

Limit Your Caffeine

It’s difficult or impossible for many of us to start our day without a dose of caffeine. However, it’s important to limit the amount of caffeine you drink every day. Beyond a number of other health benefits like helping your skin stay healthy, you can avoid a caffeine crash in the afternoon.

Following these simple steps will help you feel better and stay healthier at work. If you have questions about your lifestyle or other concerns about your health, please call our office. We’d be happy to help you!