Kids aren’t the only ones who get to enjoy summer! After years of summer breaks, many adults take things easier in the summer, even unconsciously. So enjoy this warm weather while it lasts, and use these active tips to lower your stress before fall.

Get Dirty

Don’t be afraid to work outdoors! Planting a garden and maybe doing a little landscaping in your yard is good for your stress levels. Just be careful not to overdose on landscaping and strain your budget or your time!

Start a New Hobby

Use some of your extra free time to begin a new hobby. Finding things you enjoy and spending time on them is good for your stress levels and heart health. That little bit of self-care and personal time does wonders mentally, and can help your productivity with chores or at work.

Exercise Outside

Now that the weather’s back to warm, avoid the enclosed gym and get going in the great outdoors. In the summer, there’s a lot to do: nature walks, hikes, cycling, swimming, and games with your kids. If exercising outside is tough for you, be sure to take non-drowsy allergy medications or talk to your doctor so you can enjoy the warmth.

Go On Vacation

Summertime comes with a slower schedule, for you and your kids. Use that time to take a break and get away, even for a long weekend. Vacations can improve your heart health and lower your blood pressure. Plus, giving yourself time off with a relaxing getaway–whether it’s a stay-cation or a beach trip–can help you re-set and recover from situations back home or at work.

Set a Schedule for Your Kids

Having your kids out for the summer can be greatly rewarding, but can veer into overwhelming or stressful. So make sure to keep a schedule for your kids. This means having a set morning and evening routine, creating and meeting goals, and planned activities like sports or unstructured play. This will not only help your summer schedule, but their back-to-school routine as well!