Winter can be an inconvenience as heavy snows set in and the temperatures drop. More than that, it can turn dangerous fast. Here’s how to stay safe in the winter so you can continue having fun!

Tread Carefully On Thin Ice

Ice is prevalent through the winter, and causes a lot of danger to drivers and pedestrians. Black ice too can show up even if there is no snow on the ground. Walk carefully–in fact, walk like a penguin. In other words, don’t use long strides and keep your weight over one leg at a time. It may look silly, but it’ll keep you from falling. No matter how you walk, go slowly to avoid slipping. And keep your hands out of your pockets! It may feel more comfortable, but putting your hands in your pockets increases the chance that you’ll slip or lose your balance.

Avoid Shoveling Strain

Overexertion is a very real threat to winter workers and homeowners. Doing such a serious workout when it’s cold can result in strain–or even in a heart attack! Warm up before heading outside by doing a few stretches or mild exercises. This will help you reduce the chance of hurting yourself.

Before heading out, avoid coffee and cigarettes. Caffeine and nicotine increase your heart rate and might constrict your blood vessels, resulting in a higher risk of heart problems.

Mittens vs. Gloves

As flexible and nice as gloves can be, if you’re going to be outside long-term and won’t need any dexterous work done, wear mittens. Keeping your fingers close together like this will help them share the warmth, which can save them from frostbite or even just the chill in cold weather.

Stay Warm!

During storms, keep indoors. If you do have to go out, stretch or warm up, wear mittens, and keep moving when you’re outside.

Avoid getting wet while you’re outside. Wet clothing does absolutely nothing to insulate you, and it can lower your temperature drastically.

Know the signs of frostbite, which are numbness and paleness in your extremities, and hypothermia. Should you notice these signs, get somewhere warm and get medical help right away.