As your body’s largest organ, your skin needs some extra, daily TLC. If neglected, you can end up with acne, infections, and diseases. Or, you can worsen your wrinkles and stretch lines, even if you don’t get sick. Avoid these common culprits to keep your skin elastic and healthy.

Sleeping with your makeup on

Not only will falling asleep without removing your makeup cause bacterial infections, it can make you sick as well! Your skin needs time to recover at night, and a layer of makeup prevents that from happening. Plus, your eye makeup can cause inflammation, infections, and even styes. No matter how late you’ve stayed up, take a minute to wash your face every night.


It’s easy to remember to shower after a dip in the pool. But chlorine treatments in the pool water can stick to your skin, even after showers! If not washed off, it can react with cleansers, lotions, and medications. Always use a deep-cleaning, foaming soap when you rinse off to keep this from happening.

Coffee and caffeine

As much as your mental state appreciates coffee, your skin does not. That extra caffeine dries out your skin and causes wrinkles. Combat these effects by drinking plenty of water. You can also add fruit slices, particularly citrus like orange or lemon.

Skipping Meals

Not getting the proper nutrition can take a heavy toll on your face and skin. Even if it’s a small meal or a snack, remember to eat foods rich in vitamins C, B3, E, and A. These vitamins will help your skin stay healthy.

Hot Showers

Relaxing and steamy showers feel great, but your skin may not always agree. Prolonged exposure to hot water strips away the outermost layer of the epidermis. If your skin is red and itchy, it’s time to dry off and moisturize.

Not Reading Makeup Labels

Many of us check food labels, but may not think to read makeup labels. The color additives used may be bad for your skin, or your general health. Some colors aren’t safe for use around the mouth or eyes. The FDA’s color additives page has more information on what is healthy for you and your skin.

Dirty Electronics

That’s right–talking on your cell phone might contribute to your acne! Phones are filthy, germ-covered things, and holding them to your face can spread dirt to your skin. Even if you don’t spend much time on your phone, just handling them and then touching your face while you work can bring that same dirt up to your cheek and jawline.

The same goes for your sunglasses. Make sure to wipe these off daily as well to avoid blackheads and acne on your nose.

Yo-Yo Dieting

Frequent weight gain and loss can stretch out your skin, causing stretch marks. Inconsistent dieting is also not healthy in general. Try to maintain a healthy diet, rather than working off that weight sporadically.

Plastic on Dry-Cleaned Clothes

Plastic against your clothes can release harmful chemicals into their fabric. From there, hours of wear will only transfer those chemicals to your skin! Take the plastic off your dry cleaning as soon as you get your clothes home. This will let them breathe and keep plastic residue off your clothes.


Want healthier skin? Besides maintaining a healthy, vitamin-filled diet, and avoiding extra contaminants, make sure you drink plenty of water. Hydrating will help fight the appearance of aging, and give your skin a youthful glow.