Most families have at least one game system in their homes. With the advances of technology, games are available on smart phones, Ipads, and the usual gaming systems like computers and Wii. With all the games available at your fingertips, you might find yourself asking: are video games bad for you and your family’s health? Or are there some benefits to playing video games?

The answer is: it depends.

There is no blanket statement of whether or not video games are good or bad for you. The reason? There are too many variables. Health risks and benefits depend on age, the type of game played, and how long it has been played for.

However, below, we have compiled a list of general health risks and health benefits.

Potential Health Risks:

  • Obesity – There is a direct link to how much time is spent sitting, and an individual’s obesity. Snacking while playing video games can lead to distracted eating, wherein an individual consumes more than they usually would if they were eating while not distracted. Coupled with hours of inactivity, video games can be unhealthy for you. If you are concerned about obesity, avoid snacking while playing, and limit the amount of game play. Two hours a day is, on average, the recommended maximum.
  • Distraction – Individual’s performances in work and school may suffer because of video games if, instead of study or work, the game becomes first priority. If you find yourself performing poorly at your job or school, set limits for gameplay time. Video games can be an enjoyable, rewarding activity, but should not distract from daily goals and accomplishments.
  • Desensitization – Violent video games can lead to desensitization. Having violent acts occur directly in front of you, perhaps even at your own hand, can lead to a loss of empathy. Limit the risk of desensitization by avoiding overly violent video games. Check game ratings if you are uncertain if a game is right for you.
  • Aggression – Violent games can also lead to increased aggression. Beware of games that reward violent acts.  Once again, monitor this by checking the rating on video games.

Potential Health Benefits:

  • Building Social Skills – Some people worry that games may lead to antisocial tendencies, but this isn’t always the case. A lot of games have multiple players and, just as in the real world, require team building skills.
  • Fighting Depression – Succeeding in video games can lead to a sense of accomplishment, increasing self confidence. Learn more in this study.
  • Fighting Pain – because games require a high level of attention, they make a good distraction from physical pain, and can help boost stamina during the recovery process. A study done at the University of Utah shows how video games with certain elements were beneficial to patients fighting a chronic or long term illness.
  • Exercise for the Mind – The level of concentration needed to complete activities within the game can lead to higher awareness. Games that require individuals to make quick decisions or respond to situations can improve an individual’s decision making skills.

Pick Games Right for You and Your Family

The key to having a positive experience with video games is to select games that are right for you and your family. Before purchasing a video game, check the maturity rating and online reviews. As much as possible, try to avoid video games that focus solely on violence, and instead select games focused on team building, interactive learning, creativity, and other positive accomplishments. Monitor you and your family’s reactions to the games you play, and see which ones help and which ones harm. In the end, whether or not video games are beneficial or harmful is something each individual must determine for themselves.