Health Fads and Avoiding Them in 2018

With the new year starting, it’s time to prepare for health fads and advertisements. While some of these are simply useless, others can be very harmful! Please stay safe this year as you work to become healthier! Fads to Avoid Products...

Improve Your Mental Health in 2018

We’re all setting goals in 2018, many of them around our physical health. As you prepare your resolutions, don’t neglect your mental health! Keeping your mental wellbeing up is just as important as getting in shape. Physical Tips How you treat your body...

Have Yourself a Merry, Safe Christmas

At Mountain Peaks, we want you to spend your holidays with your family–not in our office or in the emergency room! Read these tips for making sure you’re spending a cozy Christmas at home Toys Do you have toddlers and older kids? Make sure that small parts...

Winter Car Safety

As the cold sets in, we at Mountain Peaks want you to be careful and safe! Because it gets so chilly, many of us will start to travel more in our cars to stay warm during a commute or while running errands. Driving in the winter, though, means keeping an eye out to...

Winter Safety

Winter can be an inconvenience as heavy snows set in and the temperatures drop. More than that, it can turn dangerous fast. Here’s how to stay safe in the winter so you can continue having fun! Tread Carefully On Thin Ice Ice is prevalent through the winter, and...