Winter time can be a nasty time for those with sensitive skin. From rosacea to peeling, itchy, and red skin, those who don’t take the time necessary to protect their skin will suffer the uncomfortable consequences. There are, of course, dozens of medicines, treatments, and remedies sold in stores which for some will never seem to work. The best practices to treat dry skin however, are generally low cost and simple. Here are a few ways to keep your skin feeling healthy:

Hydrate Your Body

Keeping your body well-hydrated is the cure to most health problems. Read here to understand the many ways your body will perform better by drinking enough water. When your body has enough water in the system to perform it’s other vital activities, it will be able to then store more water for the nourishment of your skin, hair, and nails. We recommend about 7-8 glasses of water per day. Avoid drinking and eating things that absorb the water in your body or are high in sodium, such as soft drinks, coffee and processed foods.

One way to keep hydrated while you sleep is to use a humidifier. Humidifiers replace moisture in the air, which helps to sooth irritated skin.

Moisturize Your Skin

You’ve probably heard this before and there’s a reason. Using a topical moisturizer has been proven to ease the symptoms of sensitive skin. Just remember to choose a bland moisturizer over one with a lot of fragrants and ingredients. Moisturizers with many ingredients have an increased chance to trigger skin agitation and allergies. You should also try to avoid massaging and rubbing the moisturizer into your skin too much to avoid aggravating it. Use light, gentle strokes.

Avoid Hot Drinks

Hot drinks are a nice way to keep warm and sooth the body from illness, but they can also increase blood flow to your face (blushing) and aggravate sensitive skin.

Wear Sunscreen

The sun’s heat can be abrasive on your skin and dry out any moisture left in your face. Sunscreen will help repel some of the effect sun rays will have on you. Once again, remember to use sunscreen with a minimalistic approach to ingredients and scents to avoid unanticipated reactions.

If you have other questions about how to treat dry skin, or have other health concerns, call us at 801-724-9840.