How are your New Year’s resolutions? By this time, many of them have probably faded into the background. If you’re lucky, you have some of your goals still going strong into springtime. But either way, it’s never too late to re-ignite your goals or set new ones. Some of the goals you should set should be positive. Meaning, you may want to accomplish something unfinished, or learn a new skill. Other important goals, though, include habits you may want to break. Here are some health habits you may know are bad, but without further knowledge of why they’re bad, have never tried to break them.

Getting a base tan before vacations and summertime

Tanning beds carry quite the risk for developing melanoma, particularly if you begin tanning under the age of 35. And being a bit more tan before a summer of sunbathing won’t minimize the effects of UV rays. If you do want a tan appearance, use sunless tanning sprays and lotions as directed, rather than resorting to a tanning bed before beach season.

Watching TV or playing on your phone at bedtime

Many screens, such as your cell phone, emit blue light, which helps keep you awake (think of the blue sky during the day). Plus, even if it’s a bit mindless, scrolling through the news or your friends’ posts keeps your brain engaged, rather than letting it wind down and prepare you for sleep. At least an hour before bedtime, put away your phone, tablet, and computer, and switch off your TV. You’ll find yourself able to wake up easier in the morning–helping you meet other goals like running, working out, or getting to work on time.

Going to bed without washing your face

Not only will falling asleep without removing your makeup cause bacterial infections, it can make you sick as well! Your skin needs time to recover at night, and a layer of makeup prevents that from happening. Plus, your eye makeup can cause inflammation, infections, and even styes. No matter how late you’ve stayed up, take a minute to wash your face every night.

Not showering after a dip in the pool

Simple rinses after a swim–especially in a public or hotel pool–are easy to remember. After all, pools are pretty gross! But you’ll need more than just a hose-off. Chlorine treatments in the pool water can stick to your skin, even after showers! If not washed off, it can react with cleansers, lotions, and medications. Always use a deep-cleaning, foaming soap when you rinse off to keep this from happening.

Skipping meals

Not getting the proper nutrition can take a heavy toll on your face and skin. Even if it’s a small meal or a snack, remember to eat foods rich in vitamins C, B3, E, and A. These vitamins will help your skin stay healthy.

Yo-yo dieting

Frequent weight gain and loss can stretch out your skin, causing stretch marks. Inconsistent dieting can also be very dangerous for women’s hearts! Try to maintain a healthy diet, rather than working off that weight sporadically. And if you are trying to lose weight, don’t work off more than one pound per week. Note that weight gained and lost during pregnancy doesn’t count as “weight cycling” or yo-yo weight loss.

Though they’re not the usual goal-setting times, spring and summer are great seasons to begin setting goals. It’s a season of rebirth and new life, after all! So what are you waiting for?