Feeling down in the dumps on occasion is a normal part of life, but if you are constantly feeling depressed you may need help. There are 350 million people experience symptoms of depression, and 13% of Americans take antidepressants (Smith, Saisan, and Segal, June 2016). You are not alone in feeling this way. The first step in overcoming depression is getting educated.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Loss of interest or withdrawal in friends and hobbies
  • Chronic lethargy and tiredness
  • Change in appetite and sleep patterns
  • Change of weight, loss or gain
  • Feelings of irritability and aggressiveness
  • Negative, depressive or suicidal thoughts
  • Feelings of self-loathing, worthlessness or guilt.

Burnout vs. Depression.

Burnout is an extreme form of stress. Common signs of stress include feelings of being overwhelmed, trouble sleeping, feeling nervous or anxious and problems with memory. While these may seem like symptoms of depression, they are reversible with stress reduction techniques.

Depression, on the other hand, is not easily reversed. Depression often requires medical diagnosis and sometimes antidepressant medication. If you relate to one or more of the symptoms listed above, take a depression screening test.

The Depression Quiz.

There are a number of websites that provide depression screenings and self-rating quizzes. Here are a few of our favorite:

Print our your results and share them with your counselor or doctor. If you need a doctor and live in Utah county, call our office. Don’t forget that depression is nothing to be embarrassed about. It is not a sign of weakness! Asking for help is the first step toward feeling happier, healthier, and better overall. One of our award-winning doctors would love to help you.