For the first time in a long time, you wake up well-rested and content. You go over to the mirror to get ready for the day and what do you see? Dark circles under the eyes. “Well that’s not fair,” you think. You slept the recommended hours yet those pesky dark circles still remain. What are they? What are the factors that cause them to appear, and how can you get rid of them?

What are the dark circles under your eyes?

When the light hits your face, it passes through the skin and then is reflected back out again. Often under the eyes,  a blueish black hue appears. This is a result of the light hitting the blood vessels and then reflecting back the blue/violet wavelengths. The thinner the skin, the more light is reflected back. This is what gives us those unfortunate tired-looking circles.

What factors contribute to the dark circles?

More often than not people blame those circles for a lack of sleep. While this is a factor, it is not the biggest one.

The main cause of dark circles is genetics. Some people simply inherit fair or thin skin. For these people it will be more obvious when the blood conjugates under the eyes.

Another factor is age. As you grow older, your skin loses the ability to repair itself and produce collagen. that is why the veins appear more prominently.

Lastly, dark under-eye circles are just another frustrating side effect that comes with allergies. Allergies not only inflame blood vessels and cause swelling, but they also result in itchy eyes. As you rub your eyes those dark circles will appear even larger.

What can you do?

Depending on the cause of the dark circles, there are various treatments.

First get some extra sleep. I know that you are probably thinking that you don’t have enough time to sleep. While a couple short nights won’t cause under-eye circle, a generally lack of sleep will make you appear more pale and hollowed-eyed. This will emphasize any under-eye circles you already have

Second, if the problem is allergies, consider taking an over-the-counter antihistamine. This will reduce the side effects.

Some other tips:
• Double up on pillows at night. This will prevent the blood from pooling under the eyes.
• Apply something cold under your eyes. This could be a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a soft cloth, or some other cold compress. This will help the blood vessels to constrict.
• Supplement your diet with an ounce of flavonol-rich dark chocolate and foods filled with the omega 3 fatty acids (i.e. fish, nuts)
• Avoid regularly sleeping on your stomach
• Add Vitamin C to your diet and skin
• Wear sunscreen

When do you need to go to your doctor?

If you notice that the swelling or dark colors appear to get worse over time, talk to your doctor. Also if the symptoms occur under just one eye, you should schedule an appointment. While most of the time dark under-eye circles can be treated at home with home remedies, you can also talk to your doctor. They will advise you on alternative solutions that can help you get rid of those stubborn circles.

Here at Mountain Peaks our doctors care not only about your health, but also about your happiness. If you are concerned or want to hear alternative solutions, schedule an appointment with our doctors today. Call 801-724-9840.