A lot of the time, people worry about losing weight, counting calories and figuring out the best diet that will keep them lean. But what about those that have a hard time gaining weight? The fact is, there are plenty of people who have such efficient metabolisms that they have a hard time putting on healthy weight. Yes, most of those trying to lose weight might despise these people, jealous that they can seemingly eat whatever they want without any outward physical side effects, but not being able to put on weight can be a big concern. Let’s take a look at how skinny people can healthily put on some pounds and gain weight the right way.

Eat More Calories Than You Burn

Some people naturally have a skinny body-type that burns calories easily. Many of these people effectively store and use energy. The real key to putting on weight isn’t groundbreaking: eat a lot of food. Consumer more calories than your burn. But there is more to it than just stuffing your face. In order to avoid messing up your body, you need to not just fill up with food, but fill up with healthy food. Foods that are calorie-rich include fats and oils that build your HDL (good cholesterol), nuts and seeds, avocado, red meat, whole eggs, full-fat dairy, and fish. Eat healthy foods that are full of carbs and proteins, including pasta, rice, and potatoes. Avoid over-processed foods and sugar-rich foods.

To find out how many calories your body burns each day try using this TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) calculator: Click Here.

Get More Sleep

Sleep is critical to maintaining proper health. In addition to helping muscle recovery, sleep is proven to reduce cortisol levels which are associated with stress. Lack of sleep increases cortisol levels, increasing risk of stress, depression, and causing muscle breakdown. This will greatly impact the amount of of weight you gain and keep. Remember that gaining weight is nice, but staying healthy is even more important, so make sure you follow these tips and gain weight the right way.


If you have questions about healthy weight gain or other health concerns, call us at 801-724-9840.