“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a common man, and dinner like a pauper.”

This is a popular quote from Adelle Davis, one of America’s finest nutrition authors of the mid-20th century. Somewhere down the line since, the notion that breakfast is the most important meal of the day was born and passed down from mother to daughter. Today, however, Americans tend to eat backwards by skipping breakfast, having a light lunch and eating a large dinner. This brings Davis’s teachings and the classic wives tale into question: Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day?

Eating a healthy breakfast jump starts your day with boosted energy and increased concentration. It provides you with the energy and nutrients you need stay energized and focused during the morning. More energy and better concentration leads to improved performance, and more motivation. Aside from increased mental awareness, breakfast is linked to weight control. Starting the day off with food high in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals increases strength and endurance during physical activity, lowers cholesterol levels, and controls your appetite for the rest of the day. Those who skip breakfast tend to overeat and consume an unhealthy lunch. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee conducted research on breakfast, and found that breakfast skippers are more likely to gain weight. John Ivy of the University of Texas at Austin reports that dieters who eat breakfast lose on average 50% more weight than dieters who skip breakfast.

Ideas for a Simple Breakfast:

  1. Berry and Yogurt Smoothie. Pick your frozen fruit (strawberry and bananas are a winning combo) and blend it with yogurt and a liquid of your choice (milk, water, orange juice).
  2. Avocado Toast with Eggs. Toast two slices of whole-grain bread lightly, add mashed avocado and a dash of seasoning (salt and pepper work best), and top with two over-easy eggs.
  3. Stuffed Apples. Cut one apple in half and layer with peanut butter. Sprinkle with granola or oats. Yum!
  4. Berry Parfait. In a mason jar or glass, alternate layers of fruits and yogurt. Pick fruits that are in season for the most flavorful options!
  5. Homemade Oatmeal. You just need hot water and a microwave in the morning when you make these. Combine rolled oats, cinnamon, and toppings (raisins, nuts, etc) in ziploc baggies, and enjoy a healthy ready-on-the-go breakfast.
  6. Omelette and Veggies. You can slice up the veggies you want the night before (i.e. onion, bell pepper, spinach, etc) and toss them in the pan with eggs in the morning. Quick and easy!


Remember, there are so many options for a healthy breakfast so drop the fast food breakfast from your diet. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and discover what fits best for your lifestyle and taste buds! A healthy lifestyle starts with healthy habits, and a healthy breakfast is the perfect start.


If you have more questions about nutrition, call us!