As spring sets in, so does allergy season. Trees, grass, and mold begin releasing their spores and pollen as early as February, and allergies can last up until July for some sufferers. But you shouldn’t wait until you’re suffering to manage your allergies. Get a head start on preventing severe allergies and keeping your home clear of pollen with these 7 tips:

Start treatments early

Begin treating your allergies about two weeks before they usually start exhibiting symptoms. Over-the-counter antihistamines, taken early, can prepare your body before itchy eyes and a stuffy nose set in. Be careful taking these if you need to drive or you get tired on Benadryl easily. In this case, rely on 24-hour, non-drowsy brands. You can also talk to your doctor about prescription allergy medications or treatments.

Start spring cleaning early

Deep cleaning your home early can make the blooming season easier on you. Go the extra mile in your dusting: wash your curtains, sweep the rugs, and even vacuum the ceiling and furniture. Doing this gets out the extra dust–which may include pollen that’s already settled inside your home.

Once you’re done, change your clothes and shower right away. Wearing your cleaning clothes around your home can spread pollen spores, especially if you’ve been outside.

Keep your windows closed

No matter how tempting it is to let in the fresh air, that clean breeze will also shoo pollen spores into your home. Keep your home a safe space from pollen and allergens by leaving the windows closed until after those trees have bloomed.

Take care of mold quickly

We tend to blame trees and grass for our suffering. However, mold is another big, and sometimes ignored, culprit. Find those places in your home that don’t easily get dry or never see the sun, like basements, bathrooms, and under the kitchen sink. Make sure you get the doormat, too!

Change your air filter

It’s best to switch out your filter every 3 months to keep your air flow clean and to catch new allergens in your home. One great option to save money and catch more is to use a metal air filter. Wash these more permanent, durable filters on schedule and replace in your furnace. The electrostatic filter attracts more dust, allergens, and pollen, keeping it from slipping through and floating through your home.

Track pollen levels

Certain apps can help you keep track of local pollen counts. By paying attention to when blooming will be most severe, you can plan your schedule and stay indoors. Midmorning and early evening are good times to avoid going outside on high pollen count days.

Control your environment

Now that you’ve cleared your home of winter’s dust, keep it free from allergens until the end of the season. Vacuum and dust more frequently to prevent dust building up again. Have your guests and family leave their shoes at the door to keep them from tracking in pollen. Some products can also help keep your home healthy, such as zippered pillowcases and mattress covers. These have even been shown to help with pet allergies!