As your largest organ, your skin needs a lot of TLC to prevent the appearance of aging and wrinkles. Though it’s best to start early, it’s never too late to help reduce spots, sagging, and wrinkles. Here’s your own timeline to help slow down your aging process, no matter your age!

At Any Age:

Wear Sunscreen: Slathering on sunscreen anytime you go outside or on a prolonged drive is the best prevention. It’s much better than trying to undo the effects of wrinkles and brown spots. Plus, it’s your best defense against cancer!

Invest in Skincare: Where you can, drop a few dollars on “nicer” products. This will save you a lot of time and pain trying to reverse the effects of aging. Elle Magazine recommends spending more money on moisturizer than on cleanser as well.

Keep a Healthy Diet: No matter your age, eat foods high in vitamins A and C to keep your skin healthy. You can also add more anti-inflammatories to your diet to help your skin stay healthy. Try adding things like fish, spinach, berries, walnuts, and plenty of produce to your diet if you haven’t already. Also, stay well-hydrated, since water helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Exercise: Staying active with 15 to 20 minutes of exercise four times a week is one of the best ways to slow down aging. Be sure to exercise your facial muscles as well! This often goes overlooked in favor of abdominal or leg workouts, but your face should be a priority for looking healthy and toned!

Get Adequate Sleep: We all know that sleep fights the dark circles under our eyes. But good, restorative sleep also helps your skin recover in more ways. If you have a busy life, be sure to schedule in that precious sleep to keep your skin looking healthy.

Age 20-25:

Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is essential for fighting the effects of aging. Your skin will hold more water when you’re younger, so now is the time to fight aging with hydration. A good rule of thumb is to drink whenever you feel thirsty.

Cleanse and Treat Acne Gently: Many young adults still struggle with acne. However, once you hit your twenties, you’ll need to move away from the harsher acids many teens use, and towards gentle cleansers that don’t dry your skin.

Age 25-35:

Choose Products for Prevention: Such products should include Retinol and anti-inflammatories. Retinol and Retin-A are great for adult acne and anti-aging. Anti-inflammatory moisturizers should include Vitamin A and Vitamin C to minimize pores and redness.

Find a Good Dermatologist: Before your skin can get out of hand, begin setting up regular appointments with a dermatologist. Professionals who know your skin can begin prescribing changes to your routine to help prevent damage.

Get Botox Now: If you are considering Botox, talk to your dermatologist at this age. Botox will relax wrinkle-causing muscles before they form, working as a preventative measure.

Keep Moisturizing: Pick cream-based moisturizers rather than lotions as you age. Make sure they also have a higher concentration of skin-protecting ingredients.

Age 35-45:

Get More Vitamins A and C: As you continue to upgrade your moisturizers, look for high concentrations of these vitamins. These will help fight color changes in your complexion.

Consider TreatmentsTalk to your dermatologist about fillers and gentle lasers. Now is the time for fine lines to form, but you do want to be careful not to overdo it at this age.

Age 45-onward:

Add, Not ReplaceThe older your skin becomes, the more you’ll need to add to your routine to keep it looking young. Look for products with higher vitamin concentrations as you go.

Be Cautious with BotoxWhen treatments like Botox and fillers become a fix rather than a preventative measure, it can be easy to overdo them. Doing so can make your face look unnatural once wrinkles form, so be sure to use in moderation.