Anorexia: Recognizing Eating Disorders

Most Americans can sympathize or empathize with wanting to lose weight or get in shape. But eating disorders go far beyond that. Anorexia nervosa is a serious disorder with dangerous behaviors that go beyond just wanting to be healthy. And anorexia isn’t just...

Misleading Food Labels

Companies love to ride trends if they can charge more for them. They use popular terms that appeal to people looking to eat healthier–without relying on facts or science. Save yourself money and misinformation, and read up on these common misleading food labels....

Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance

In our modern world, as we process food more and seek out new ways to feel better, gluten gets a bad rap. The phrase “gluten-free” appears in everything from fad diets to serious lifestyle changes. For the latter, avoiding gluten doesn’t just cause...

Natural Food Remedies Found in Your Home

When sickness hits, not many people think to turn to their own pantry for help. While many illnesses must be treated by a doctor, in your kitchen are natural remedies for milder but still aggravating symptoms. Using these, you can make yourself healthy at home and...

Healthy Foods That Make You Feel Bad

Weird as it may sound, some very healthy foods can make us feel terrible, as if we’d eaten junk food. Many times, this can be chalked up to difficult-to-digest components. These digest in the intestines, not in the stomach, which causes bloating and gas. Other...