Exercising is important to our physical and mental health, but making time for it can sometimes be a struggle.

To compensate for your busy schedule, consider trying these indoor exercises. Just 30 minutes of exercises a day can make all the difference in your overall health.

Jump Rope

Jumping rope is a full body workout; it strengthens your legs and arms and tightens your core. On top of that, it is a great cardio workout.

To get started, find a place with adequate space and jump rope for a minute. You’ll be surprised how rigorous that minute will be, but you’ll also notice that you’ll feel great afterward.

Gradually increase your jump rope time, and combine your jump rope sessions with a round of push ups or sit ups.


Don’t lose your summer body half of the year. The plank exercise engages your core and keeps your tummy tight.

To do this exercise pose your body in a push up position–arms extended–and hold it for a minute, or however long you can. Once you can’t hold it any longer, give yourself a quick break, and then try it again. You’ll see yourself getting stronger in just days.


Strong legs are a key component of a healthy body. Lunges engage all of your major leg muscles, and engage your core at the same time.

To do a lunge properly, keep your back straight and step your right foot forward; lower your left knee toward the floor until your right leg forms a 90 degree angle. Then stand up straight and repeat the exercise with your left foot forward.

A good lunge workout isn’t measured in time, but in how many lunges you complete. If lunges aren’t as challenging after a while, try them with weights in your hands.

Stair Stepping

Finally, and effective exercise you can do while watching TV. If you don’t have stairs in your house, get a stack of books or a chair, and step up and down during commercial breaks.

This is a very low impact exercise, so for better results try combining it with jump roping or jumping jacks.

What is your favorite home workout?