Summer Fun | Firework Safety

With hot summer nights, family and friend barbecues, and firework tents on every corner, at-home firework shows can be a great activity to create memories. Firework safety is an important part of celebrating these fun times and special holidays, such as the Fourth of...

4 Reasons Chocolate is a Healthy Treat

Today there is a reason to celebrate… today is Chocolate Day! July 7th has been coined as World #ChocolateDay due to food historian belief that the modern chocolate bars were introduced in Europe on July 7th, 1847. Do you know what that means? You need to...

Depression Diagnosed | Are You Depressed?

Feeling down in the dumps on occasion is a normal part of life, but if you are constantly feeling depressed you may need help. There are 350 million people experience symptoms of depression, and 13% of Americans take antidepressants (Smith, Saisan, and Segal, June...

Why You Should Eat Small Meals During Summer

With 90 degree weather in full swing, eating small meals during summer is a good habit to form. With hot weather and longer days and nights, the body is put through turmoil trying to stay cool and digest foods simultaneously. Hot Weather To start off, Utah summers are...

How to Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual Cramps. They come at the worst time. They are painful. They are uncomfortable. They are indescribable. Sometimes it feels like there is nothing you can do for them… but there is. Watch What You Eat. Reduce the amount of fatty foods you intake and...